Saturday, July 16, 2011

A different purpose.

As you can see, this blog hasn't turned out to be anything. I was going to keep it as a chronicle of all the trash I pick up and remember to take pictures of,'s trash. I can tell you how much I pick up. It's not like I have to have photographic proof. I mean, when I see a rubbermaid food container or a super old beer can on the lake shore I'll probably still take pictures of those, but... this blog is going to be a random little blog with a random little purpose.

I enjoy cooking greatly, so you'll probably get my food exploits; my favorite recipes, new recipes I try, all that sort of thing.
I'm not sure what else I'll give you here. My every day random thoughts are usually not coherent enough to form an interesting blog entry. Hardly anyone reads anything I write so I could pretty much bash my head on the keyboard and that would get as much attention as when I take the time to sit and think about what I'm going to say, but this is a blog.

It's not a life changing newscast. There are millions of people who keep blogs. Not everyone's is going to be read.
Although... I have to say. I have a blog, and every so often a bunch of blog entries get "freshly pressed" and featured on the homepage. After seeing what kind of boring crap sometimes gets featured there, there's no reason I can't come up with something interesting that people will actually read here.