Only recently have I begun to chronicle what I pick up. What you're seeing here is most of the garbage I've picked up since I started documenting it.
Now, if I see a random bent drinking straw, or a bottle cap or something, I'm going to pick it up and not give much thought to whether I've got my camera with me or not.
Most of what you're going to see here are the numerous times I head to the lake with three or four plastic grocery bags in my purse, with full intent to fill up at least two of those bags with trash I find.
Right now, I regularly pick up trash within the same sort of two mile or three mile radius.
This summer I hope to expand that area to include more of the lake shore. I mean, come on. It's a big lake.
Anyway, enough of that. If you decide to stick with this blog you will come to find that I can be somewhat long winded when the mood strikes, so I ask you to bear with me about that. XD
Here are the pictures I have for you so far.
The first picture is a torn up coffee cup from the local coffee shop, Cabin Coffee.
The second, a couple of old tires sitting very close to one of the public access docks scattered around town.
Near these things. That's right; *#&@^!#$% rusty paint cans. I'd really like to knock on the door of the expensive house I found these behind and ask them if they plan to do something about these, but I'm shy and non confrontational. I'll probably just end up disposing of them on my own, once I find out what the proper measures are that I need to take.
{I have something of a potty mouth elsewhere online, but I'm trying to keep it classy and family friendly here. With the exception of damn, and hell, I'll be trying not to swear, and I ask you to do the same should you choose to leave me a comment}
Litter! Love it to bits!
Litter=happiness, apparently.
I am disgusted by how long some of the cans I find manage to have avoided proper disposal. Once I found a pepsi can that was so old the contest advertised on the can ended in 1991. I've found cans that appear to be much older than that, but I couldn't manage to see a date on those.
I'll have a mocha frap with a side of "I'm a huge *$&#^@! with no respect for the planet" please.
I find a lot of plastic bottles in/around the lake. Like these things aren't bad enough for the planet. And they're so damn easy to recycle... Clear Lake has twice monthly curbside recycling pick up. Not to mention, you can redeem a lot of them for 5 cents a bottle.
Which doesn't sound like a lot until you consider it's the equivalent of chucking a nickel on the ground because you're too lazy to wait until you get to your piggy bank.
Lighters, of all things. Now, being something of a pyro, I appreciate lighters as much as more than the next person but. come on.
Does anybody know what this stuff is? I find tons of it around the lake and I'm really sick of seeing it.
Yes, that's a glove and a blanket you see above. I had to exert a fair amount of effort to fish them out of the lake. Mainly because the public access docks haven't been put up yet this year, so I had to stand in sandals in ice cold water with my pant legs rolled up.
Litter! Only $2.49! Get yours today!
Yet another reason I hate fishing
Things not pictured are a rusty bottle cap, a smashed ping pong ball, a small pair of gloves, and a hostess snacks wrapper, because this entry has too many pictures in it already.
That's pretty much all I've got for you right now.
"Oh geez, done already? We wanted MORE!"
Oh I know you did, but I can only throw so much at you at a time. Trust me, people are disgusting so there will sadly be much, much more where this came from.